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The first step is always to make sure you have a solid, clearly defined business foundation you really understand because it is this clear foundation structure which will form the foundation of your operations systems.

Good systems – good for business?

So, what makes a good business operations system?

I don’t just mean the detail seen in a well written page of instruction, easy to comprehend fast and get the job done – although that is an important part of the whole and definitely something we will be looking at.

But now I mean why are well-structured systems so important for business performance.

And the answer lies in the words – well-structured systems.

Because you can’t have well-structured systems without a well-structured business.

I believe, to get your systems working well, the first task is always examining your business to really understand:

  • What you do
  • For whom
  • How you do it
  • Who does it
  • And how will the person doing the job be supported to get the job done well

The first step is always to make sure you have a solid, clearly defined business foundation you really understand because it is this clear foundation structure which will form the foundation of your operations systems.

All of us in business tend to add stuff. We tend to have an entrepreneurial spirit, a love of learning about the new and shiny. Great for keeping us up to date and relevant in the market. Great for keeping us interested in business. Not so great when it results in overwhelm and lack of clarity about who we are selling to and why because adding bits of new and shiny creates a bloated business with no clear definition.

I learned this lesson when I first became involved with Brian in the franchise world. Whether we are assisting a client to franchise a concept or an existing business, the first step is always to restructure the business to the franchise business model. Simple though this sounds, it never is.

Most businesses that come to us look like this…

Messy business

While, to succeed as a franchise, what they need to look like is something like this.

Structured for growth

In a business like this, there is a very clear idea of what the Franchisee/Company Manager will be selling and or delivering to bring in the money. Associated there is a very clear idea of what is needed to support the people in the delivery/sales roles so they become as successful as they can be in bringing in the money.

All tasks outside the money generation roles are just there for support.

Anything outside of this central role must go.

From this you can see, it is the sales/delivery money generation roles that are duplicated to generate business growth.

And a system like this based on duplication of the money generation roles, franchised or not, will only work if there is consistency:

  • In the product
  • In the sales processes
  • In delivery processes
  • In the way the sales/delivery units are managed

Consistency can only be achieved as these sales/delivery units are expanded if you have very clear instructions for staff, so your business looks the same, feels the same, operates the same –everywhere. Your customers must know they will get the same service whether in Texas or London. It all depends on the people to whom you give control to look after your product.

So, systemise your business and make sure the groundwork is solid, your operations are successful, and you have savvy staff to follow your operations and look after your clients as well as you would.

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We believe in doing business… …for good

Our quest is to continue to help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset.

We do this through a number of our enterprises.

Through Systems2Grow we help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset through restructuring and systemising the business so. The team of expert advisors at Systems2Grow® does this this through our simple three step Systems Success Path which can be delivered in many different ways to suit you. The result – our members implement fast and get everything they need to succeed all in one place. Click here to join our inspiring community of entrepreneurs and you can be our next success story.

We believe in giving back and so a percentage of every program is given to MicroLoan Foundation Australia to help women in Southern Saharan Africa to build businesses and take their families out of poverty. To date we have helped provide over 60,000 loans impacting on 355,000 impoverished people

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