5 good reasons to systemise your business

The pathway to growing a business is definitely through using good systems. Decades working in this space has shown us that fact.
Here are five reasons to systemise and reap the rewards.
1. Staff know what they are doing
Good simple but focused systems give your staff a very firm foundation to do the job your way well.
Simplifying the business so it is focused on your money-making products is the first step we recommend. Then structuring it so everyone clearly understands who is doing what and when.
The second step is to document easy to use, relevant systems to help your staff get the job done right. These systems need to be cloud based so they are available on the phone or tablet and easily accessible. They need to cover the important things people want to know so they can do the job the company way.
The third step is to put in training processes which show staff how to do the job and how to find information later, on the job, when they need to be reminded of the details.
Training is always based on the operations manuals – it does not repeat the ops details on how to do the task.
So, one of the main reasons for having good systems in place is that they mean training new staff becomes easier and they get the information they need on the job without having to call you.
2. Performance management
We all mess up from time to time or need to be reminded of how things are done around here. Good systems give you an easy to use process for reminding staff that they really need to do things your way and you will not tolerate anything less. A gentle requirement to revisit the system which has been ignored acts as a reminder.
And then, if things still go wrong, the reminders along with the need to use the documented system as a refresher give you a firm basis for stronger consequences.
This also shows the rest of the team that you are serious.
3. Delegate and get rid of the tasks – leverage
Once you get the systems in place upheld with strong training processes and performance management you will find it so much easier to put on new staff. You will have the structure to delegate responsibly.
Then the magic happens.
You can leverage yourself out of the day to day and concentrate on growing the business, spending time with family or doing things you love and living the life you desire.
4. Scale the business
Once you can delegate responsibly, you will have the business structure to grow by duplicating the areas that bring in the money – sales and delivery arms.
5. Increase the asset value
Which will absolutely increase the asset value of your business.
The asset value increases in two possible ways.
First the value will be increased simply because you are systemised and have good operations in place. I have been told by business owners and business brokers that well systemised businesses are usually worth at least 50% more that those that are not systemised.
Second, as mentioned above, the asset value increases with every sales and/or delivery arm you add to the group
So, systemise and really watch the magic happen.